
25374 links indexed, Protect from scams & phishing, Advanced captcha verification, Advanced scans of your server, Anti-VPN, Anti-Alt, Anti-Bot, AI Detection of potential harmful links, Kick new accounts


Protection against fraudulent links

The bot has a database of 25374 links and possesses an AI that detect potential new scam links

Fast blocking

Scamprotect will almost instantly delete the scam link.

Protection against alts/bots

Server administrators can setup a captcha protection to block VPN access and detect alts. The bot can block access to the server for too young accounts, with a configurable duration.

Memberlist & channels scan

Scan your discord server to see the potential unwanted accounts or scam links already on your server


Scamprotect uses the slash commands of discord to simplify the syntax.

Regular Updates

The link database is updated each day! You can report a link on the discord server or with the /report command

is a security Discord bot, who has for goal to protect discord users from scam/virus/phising links.

Scamprotect has the objective to make Discord experience safer for everyone. Bot has a captcha system detecting VPNs and Alts that are hard to detect for Discord and also a AI System to detecting new scam links who are unknown to Discord & databases.

Most frequent link type in the database:

Total: 25374

Phishing/Nitro Scam


Phishing link


Malicious link (Phishing/Virus etc...)





Check the official Discord App Directory for commands