In this page, "We", "I", "Scamprotect Staff" or "Scamprotect Team" refers to the bot moderators and bot developers implicated in the Scamprotect Project All Team members can be seen in our official website
Discord Bot refers to the Discord Application "🛡 ScamProtect#0581"
User refers to the Discord Member (or Discord User) that is on a Server where the bot is added to
Data stored by Scamprotect about users:
Server refers to the Discord Guild (or Discord Server) that the bot is added to Data stored by Scamprotect about your server:
Those informations are never showed to anyone except the Scamprotect Staff
Those informations are displayed in public, everyone can see them
Data that can be removed:
Captcha System refers to the process behind the page that users needs to go throught to verify themself on a Discord Server
User refers to the Website Visitor that got to the website using a link that identify them as a Discord Member (or Discord User) that is accessing the website to use the Captcha System
Data stored by the Captcha System about users:
Captcha System also stores User's IPAddress:
If a User click on the link provided during the verification, his public IP Address is verified to check if he is using a VPN or a Proxy.
If the IP Address is a VPN, the website stores User's AES-encrypted IPAddress in a database, findable with his Discord ID, and get IP Address's ISP and Country name anonymously
If not, the website stores User's AES-encrypted IPAddress in a database, findable with his Discord ID
If one of the User's IP Address that he used to verify himself on the server is used to verify another User that just verified himself on the same server, Discord Server's Staff members are alerted
Discord Server's Staff members refers to the users that are moderators or administrators of a Discord Server that is using Scamprotect's Captcha System
Those informations are never showed to anyone except the Scamprotect Staff, and given to them throught the database or ephemeral Discord messages (private messages)
User Data:
Those informations are displayed in public, everyone can see them, often Discord Server's Staff members as they will need permissions to see the logs
User Data:
Data that can be removed:
To have one of the following data to be removed, contact a Scamprotect Staff on the Support Server using the ticket system and they will remove the data